The Car

The Gen 2 car made its competitive debut in the 2018/19 season of the ABB FIA Formula E Championship.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise


As our Official Technology partner, HPE creates solutions to transform and digitize businesses while minimizing the environmental footprint of IT.

Living Progress is HPE’s business strategy for creating sustainable IT solutions that meet the technology demands of the future, while advancing the way people live and work.

HPE was the first IT company to set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across its value chain and is committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2050 or sooner, with intermediate climate targets set for 2025.

HPE’s 2025 Climate Targets:

● Supply Chain

- Reduce absolute manufacturing-related GHG emissions in our supply chain by 15% compared to 2016 levels

- Enable 80% of our production suppliers (by spend) to set science-based targets

- Reduce absolute emissions from transportation logistics by 35% compared to 2016 levels

● Operations

- Minimize operational GHG emissions by 55% compared to 2016 levels

- Source 50% of total electricity consumption in our operations from renewables

● Product Efficiency:

- Increase the energy performance of our product portfolio 30 times compared to 2015 levels

To read more about Living Progress and HPE’s sustainability practices, click here.

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Sustainability in the Spotlight: Tokyo’s Response to Global Challenges with Insights from HPE

At Maserati MSG Racing, we’re constantly pushing boundaries both on and off the track.

In alignment with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we took a step further in our commitment to sustainability by collaborating with experts throughout Season 10 of the FIA Formula E World Championship. In a thought-provoking interview with Toyokatsu Yasumoto, Sustainability and Government Relations Lead at Hewlett Packard Enterprise Japan, we delve into Tokyo’s climate challenges and the innovative solutions reshaping urban life.

Yasumoto sheds light on Tokyo's resilience strategy in response to rising temperatures, frequent natural disasters, and climate-related health risks. The “Zero Emission Tokyo Strategy” outlines an ambitious goal to halve carbon emissions by 2030 and achieve net-zero by 2050.

This conversation, closely tied to SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure), emphasizes the urgency of moving away from fossil fuels, leveraging digital technologies, and building resilient infrastructure. Discover how initiatives like the ESG Project and the Future Tokyo Strategy are driving the development of a sustainable, high-tech metropolis ready to meet future challenges.

As a team, we are proud to support these global goals, not just through motorsport but by contributing to a more sustainable world for future generations. Watch the full interview to learn how we’re driving change through innovation, one race at a time.